
What do you believe attracted you to this book?

What do you believe attracted you to this book? Why do you suppose you’re reading these words?
Which part of the title got your attention? Was it Money? Health? Happiness? Learning to Attract?
Or was it the Law of Attraction perhaps?
Whatever the obvious reason may have been for your attention to this book, the information
contained here has come to you in answer to something for which you have been somehow asking.
What is this book about? It teaches that life is supposed to feel good and that our overall Well-
Being is what is natural. It teaches that no matter how good your life is now, it can always get
better, and that the choice and the power to improve your life experience is within your personal
control. And it offers practical philosophical tools that—when put into consistent use—will enable
you to allow yourself to experience more of the wealth, health, and happiness that is your natural
birthright. (And I know, because it keeps happening to me. As I move forward from each desireclarifying
experience of contrast to a new desire and then to a new manifestation —my life overall
gets better and better.)
Life is good! It is New Year’s Day of 2008, and I’m beginning this Preface while seated at the
dining-room table of our new Del Mar, California, “haven.”
From the time Esther and I were married (1980), we’ve been making it a point to visit this “Garden
of Eden” area as often as has been practical. And now, after all those years as appreciative San
Diego visitors, we will be actually living here as appreciative part-time residents.
And what’s not to appreciate? There was our friend who led us to fnd the property. (We told him we
were looking for a piece of property near Del Mar where we could park our 45-foot tour bus.) There
were the landscape architects, engineers, designers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, tile roofers,
and copper gut-terers. There were those talented, skilled tradespeople: tile layers; stuccoers;
painters; and fence, gate, and ironworks creators. There were foor installers and custom-lift, slide13
doors, arched-wooden-windows-and-doors, and stained-glass-window folks. There were the “high
end” high-tech people who installed the Lutron master-controlled lighting system, the
audio/video/computer networking system, the new Trane multiple-zone master-controlled (silent)
air-conditioning system, and the Snaidero/Miele/Bosch/Viking kitchen and laundry equipment.
There were those who placed our new furniture, and placed it again, and again—as we discovered
what felt best. There were those teams of hardworking diggers, trenchers, haulers, cement pourers,
stoneworkers, and transplanters of full-grown trees. . . . And then there were the thousands of
people who had a hand in—and also earned money from—the invention, creation, and distribution
of the thousands of products involved. . . . Well, that’s a lot to appreciate.
And that was just the tip of the iceberg of what’s to appreciate. There was the discovery of a new
“favorite” restaurant—and owners and staff—only a couple of minutes away, and then there were
those incredibly delightful eclectic, positive neighbors who welcomed us here in a style that we
have never previously experienced.
There’s more, too. There’s the breathtaking view to the south into the primitive Torrey Pines State
Reserve, across the Carmel Valley Creek and waterbird sanctuary and the lagoon, and down into the
crashing, foaming waves of the Pacifc Ocean as it untiringly washes up onto Torrey Pines Beach.
Yes. Life is good!
(Esther and I just fnished a brief walk on the beach, and we’re now settling down for the evening to
put some fnishing touches on Abraham’s newest book—Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning
to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness.)
It was over 40 years ago, while performing a series of concerts in colleges across the nation, that I
“accidentally” noticed a book lying on a coffee table in a motel in a small town in Montana. That
book, Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, changed my beliefs about money so dramatically that
my use of its principles attracted fnancial success to me in a way I hadn’t previously imagined.
Thinking or growing rich hadn’t been something I had much interest in. But shortly before
discovering that book, I had decided that I wanted to modify the way I earned money—and increase
the amount I received. And so, it turned out that my attraction to Hill’s book was a direct answer to
what I had been “asking” for.
Soon after encountering Think and Grow Rich in that Montana motel, I met a man in a motel in
Minnesota who offered me a business opportunity that was so compatible with Hill’s teachings that
for nine joyous years I focused my attention on building that business. During those nine years, the
business grew into a multimillion-dollar international enterprise. And in that relatively short time,
my fnances grew from just getting by (which was all I’d previously really wanted) to reaching all of
my newly inspired fnancial goals.
What I learned from Hill’s book worked so grandly for me that I began using that work as a
“textbook” to share his success principles with my business associates. But, looking back, even
though the teachings had worked extremely well for me, I became aware that only a couple of my
associates had received the huge fnancial success that I had wanted all of them to have. And so, I
began to search for another level of answers that might be more effective for a broader range of
As a result of my personal Think and Grow Rich experience, I became convinced that the
achievement of success was something that could be learned. We didn’t have to be born into a
family who had already discovered how to make money. We didn’t have to get good grades in
school or know the right people or live in the right country or be the right size, color, gender,
religion, and so on. . . . We simply had to learn a few simple principles and then consistently put
them into practice.
However, not everyone gets the same message from the same words—or the same results from the
same books. And so, as soon as I began “asking” for more understanding, Richard Bach’s enlightening
book Illusions happened to come into my awareness. And although Illusions brought me to
one of the most thrilling “Aha!” days of my life and brought some concepts that began to open my
mind for the phenomenon that I was about to experience, it contained no additional principles that I
could consciously utilize in my business.
The next “accidental” discovery of an ultimately valuable book for me came while I was just killing
some time in a Phoenix library. I wasn’t “looking for” anything, but I happened to notice a book,
high on a shelf, entitled Seth Speaks, by Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts. Seth, “a Non-Physical
Entity,” had “dictated” through Jane a series of books, and I read them all. And as strange as that
form of communication may have seemed to most (Esther was extremely uncomfortable with it at
frst), I had always tended to judge the trees by their fruits. And so, I looked beyond the “strange”
aspects and focused on what to me were the positive, practical parts of the Seth material that I felt I
could utilize to help others improve their life experience.
Seth had a different perspective on life than what I had heard previously expressed, and I was
particularly interested in two of Seth’s terms: “You Create Your Own Reality” and “Your Point of
Power Is in the Present.” Although as much as I read, I never felt that I truly understood those
principles, I somehow knew that there were, within them, answers to my questions. However, Jane
was no longer in physical form, so “Seth” was unavailable for any further clarifcation.
Through a series of fortuitous events—in a manner similar to the Seth-and-Jane experiences—
Esther, my wife, began receiving the material that is now known as the Teachings of Abraham®.
(Should you like to hear one of the original recordings detailing our introduction to Abraham, you
can fnd our free Introduction to Abraham recording as a 70-minute download at our Website:
www., or from our offce as a free CD.)
In 1985 when this phenomenon began with Esther, I could sense that this would bring the answers
to my desire to better understand the Laws of the Universe and how we might be able to naturally,
deliberately work in harmony with them in order to ful-fll our purpose for being in physical form.
And so, about 20 years ago, I sat with Esther and a small cassette tape recorder and plied Abraham
with hundreds of questions on primarily 20 different subjects, mostly regarding practical
spirituality. And then, as other people began hearing about Abraham and wanting to interact with
us, we produced those 20 recordings and published them as two special-subjects albums.
Over the course of two decades, millions of people have become aware of the Teachings of
Abraham as a result of our many books, tapes, CDs, videos, DVDs, group workshops, and radio and
television appearances. Also, other best-selling authors soon began to use Abraham’s teachings in
their books and radio, television, and workshop appearances . . . and then, about two years ago, an
Australian television producer approached us requesting permission to build a TV series around our
work with Abraham. She joined us with her flm crew on one of our Alaskan cruises, flmed the
show, and then went in search of other students of our teachings whom she could incorporate into
the (pilot) flm—and the rest is (as they say) history.
The producer called her movie The Secret, and it featured the basic tenet of the Teachings of
Abraham: the Law of Attraction. And although it wasn’t picked up by the Australian network
(Nine) as a series, the documentary went straight to the DVD format and was transcribed into a
book . . . and now because of The Secret, the concept of the Law of Attraction has reached many
more millions of people who have been asking for a better-feeling life.
This book has evolved from the transcription of fve of our original recordings from over 20 years
ago. This is the frst time these transcriptions have been available in print. However, they’re not
word for word because Abraham has now gone through every page of the original transcriptions
and modifed every part that might be made easier for the reader to understand and to put into
immediate practical use.
There’s a saying in the teaching world: “Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Then tell them.
And then tell them what you told them.” And so, should you decide to immerse yourself in these
teachings, you’ll probably notice much repetition as you move forward, because we usually learn
best through repetition. You can’t continue the same old habitual, limiting thought patterns and get
new, unlimited results. But through simple, practiced repetition, you can, over time, comfortably
develop new life-enhancing habits.